Support your local Air Ambulance
The Harley-Davidson Iron Hog Challenge 2021
Stew Wallace,Alex Skerry, Donald Kenning are attempting the Harley-Davidson Iron Hog Challenge over the second may Bank Holiday weekend (29th-31st May) raising money for the Hampshire & IOW Air Ambulance!
The plan: Ride to 22 UK HD Dealerships & cover over 1500 miles in under 59 hours! The rules:
1. With a base time allowance of 48 hours they must visit as many mainland UK Harley-Davidson dealerships as we can, adding 30 minutes per dealership visited to the allowed completion time.
2. They must start and finish at the our home dealership – Southampton Harley Davidson.
3. They must visit all of these four dealerships: Edinburgh, Swansea, Maidstone and Plymouth, plus  as as many other as we can!
The rough plan is as follows:
Dealer Time  
Saturday 29th May
SHD 04:00
Oxford 05:00
Reading 06:00
Watford 07:30
Guildford 09:00
Maidstone 10:00
Warrs South 11:00
Newmarket 12:30
Uppingham 14:30
Nottingham 15:30
Chesterfield 16:30
Leeds 18:00
Gateshead 20:00
Sunday 30th May
Edinburgh 07:00
Glasgow 08:00
Manchester 12:00
Wolverhampton 14:00
Cheltenham 15:30
Cardiff 17:00
Swansea 18:00
Bridgewater 20:00
Monday 31st May
Plymouth 08:00
SHD 11:30
Please, please, please feel free to sponsor them in this epic
undertaking at the following just giving page:
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Ride Safe!
Stewart Wallace
#ironhog, #newforesthog, #HIOWAA